Bridge Technologies’ VB288 Content Extraction for Objective QoE Wins the ‘STAR’ Award

Bridge Technologies’ new VB288 Content Extraction System was the recipient of a 2013 STAR (Superior Technology Award Recipient) Award given by the editorial staff of TV Technology Europe magazine at IBC 2013.

A key component of Bridge Technologies’ new Objective QoE monitoring technology, the VB288 is server-based system for confidence verification and monitoring of QoE that drives virtual videowalls that can be accessed and viewed from any location via an ordinary web browser.

The VB288 delivers visual content extraction, status displays and alerts via IP to the virtual videowall display to provide a highly effective validation tool that is easily adaptable to any monitoring strategy, and readily usable by busy engineers on the move, using desk-based or mobile devices.

Running on a standard high-specification server, the VB288 can power displays of large numbers of HD H.264 channels in multiple browser windows, with monitoring and analysis based on Objective QoE criteria that give a true indication of quality of experience using metrics appropriate to broadcast and digital media delivery.

“IBC was a fascinating show for us, and there was a very excited reaction to the technologies we launched, of which the VB288 was just one,” said Simen Frostad, Bridge Technologies chairman. “The Objective QoE concept is quite a challenge to old orthodoxies, and as part of the Objective QoE system, the VB288 neatly embodies both the innovation and the practicality of the approach taken in the system as a whole.”

The STAR Award (Superior Technology Award Recipient) is designed to celebrate and showcase technological innovations available to the broadcast industry. TV Technology Europe’s editor reviewed a variety of products, examined the technical applications and their overall contribution to the industry, and then chose 25 winners.

STAR awards are given to interesting new products that help a user save money or accomplish a task in an easier way,” said Mark Hallinger, Editor of TV Technology Europe. “This year in particular we also looked for smaller incremental improvements in established products, as these improvements generally reflect a manufacturer responding to customer input, a laudable thing.” “The products selected help advance the industry – some were chosen because of technical novelty or innovation, some because they filled an important gap in the production or transmission chain, and some because they were just cool products.



About Bridge Technologies

Bridge Technologies creates advanced solutions for protecting service quality in the digital media and telecommunications industries. The company’s award-winning monitoring/analysis systems, intelligent switchers and virtual environments help deliver over 20,000 channels to more than 900 million subscribers in 94 countries. From head-end satellite ingress to microanalytics in the home network, Bridge Technologies offers patented innovation and true end-to-end transparency. A privately held company headquartered in Oslo, Norway, Bridge Technologies has worldwide sales and marketing operations through a global business partner network.

Press Contact:

Fiorenza Mella

XPresso Communications

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