9th, November 2023

10:30 – Start

Tour of Bridge HQ, IP Studio and NOC


11:30 – Deniz´s Famous Lunch


12:30 – Telenor Sat current system
Jon Egil Eriksen – Head of Pre-Sales (1.5 hours)

· VBC usage optimizations

· Dataminer integration

· Eii and automations



14:00 – SW Installation & Troubleshooting –
Phil Thomson – Senior Engineer (1 hour)


· VB220 / VB330

· Linux installation

· Linux tools to use for troubleshooting 

· Disk tools 

· Cockpit



– Coffee Break –


15:00 – New software features v6.2
Jon Egil Eriksen – Head of Pre-Sales (1 hour)

· VB330-SW/Appliance v6.2

·  Content Analysis SCTE 35/104 & Recordings


16:00 – Q&A, Pizza and drinks @ Bridge Bar